The 4 Disciplines of Execution

Go to the Amazon page for details and reviews. You have to create processes to work on goals without dropping everything to coldness for every urgent task. Learnings more important than results address the “Why”. Use your OKRs to prioritize and schedule your week. “What are the one or two most important things I can…


Go to the Amazon page for details and reviews. Seek to evoke emotions like surprise or amazement. 6 Principles of Contagiousness (STEPPS) Weave your message into the narrative so people can’t tell the story without it. Always be selling. If you have to say “no”, say “no, but…”. Scarcity and exclusivity make people feel like…


Go to the Amazon page for details and reviews. The authors break down the male psyche to show the limitations of how most males approach dating the opposite sex.Dr. Miller provides wonderful insights into the psychology of women. He beautifully deconstructs how and why women tell stories and feel the need to share with us.…

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Go to the Amazon page for details and reviews. One thing to implement in my life: Discipline. Ben Franklin was mostly a self-taught man. What I mean by self-taught is that he sought out individuals and resources to learn himself. He took his education into his own hands. He learned to write effectively by taking…

The Warrior Ethos

Go to the Amazon page for details and reviews.

The Messy Marketplace by Brent Beshore

Go to the Amazon page for details and reviews. Brent Beshore has a neat story and fell backward into private equity. If you don’t know who he is or his story, I will not do it injustice by attempting to tell it here. Check out Brent on the below podcasts: Follow Brent on Twitter where…

Gorilla Mindset

Go to the Amazon page for details and reviews.

Don’t Shoot the Dog

Go to the Amazon page for details and reviews. Positive reinforcers and negative reinforcers. Below is an example: 8 Methods Reward/praise needs to be delivered instantly immediately the following task. Focus on improving one behavior at a time 2 or more result in failure across the board. As a trainer don’t throw a fit if…

Ego is the Enemy

Go to the Amazon page for details and reviews. Ego – an unhealthy belief in our own importance You’re never done being a student. The people most idolize (Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, John D. Rockefeller, etc.) do their best work in the moments when they fought back against these impulses, disorders, and flaws. Avoid chasing…
