Do not worry about things out of your control.
There is always a way to benefit from everything bad.
Take care of your mind before your mind. Still mulling this one over. “…let all your care be directed at the mind.”
- “Take away then aversion from all things which are not in our power, and transfer it to the things contrary to nature which are not in our power.” Epictetus
- “Seek not that the things which happen should happen as you wish; but wish the things which happen to be as they are, and you will have a tranquil flow of life.” Epictetus
- “It is true that the man is wretched, not because of the things external which have happened to him, but through the fact that he allows himself to be affected so much by external things which are placed out of his power.” Schweig
- “Remember that it is not he who reviles you or strikes you, who insults you, but it is your opinion about these things as being insulting.” Epictetus
- “…if he is wrong in his opinion, he is the person who is hurt, for he is the person who has been deceived; for if a man shall suppose the true conjunction to be false, it is not the conjunction which is hindered, but the man who has been deceived about it.” Epictetus
- “Do you also show not your theorems to the uninstructed, but show the acts which come from their digestion.” Epictetus
- “It is not poverty which produces sorrow, but desire; nor does wealth release from fear, but reason (the power of reasoning).” Epictetus
- “Let the measure to you of all food and drink be the first satisfying of the desire; and let the food and the pleasure be the desire (appetite) itself: and you will neither take more than is necessary, nor will you want cooks, and you will be satisfied with the drink that comes in the way.” Epictetus
- “It is better to live with one free man and to be without fear and free, than to be a slave with many.” Epictetus
- “Instead of a herd of oxen, endeavor to assemble herds of friends in your house.” Epictetus
- “Nothing is smaller (meaner) than love of pleasure, and love of gain and pride. Nothing is superior to magnanimity, and gentleness, and love of mankind, and beneficence.” Epictetus
- “If a man should transgress moderation, the things which give the greatest would become the things which give the least.” Epictetus
- “It is more necessary to heal the soul than the body, for to die is better than to live a bad life.” Epictetus
- “What we ought not to do, we should not even think of doing.” Epictetus
- “It is the part of a wise man to resist pleasures, but of a foolish man to be a slave to them.” Epictetus
- “A fool having enjoyed good fortune like intoxication to a great amount becomes more foolish.” Epictetus
- “Envy is the antagonist of the fortunate.” Epictetus