Simplify for the Big Bucks

I listened to Alex Hormozi’s Offer book 2–3 times this past weekend (episodes 579–585). I didn’t want to listen to a normal podcast and was craving guidance into creating compelling offers.

I was thinking about how to make fulfillment faster for my target clients. And how the success stair stepped into their dream outcome (which I had not defined in detail).

Alex mentioned the importance of simplifying to create immense value. I don’t remember the quote off the top of my head but here’s how I internalized it.

Any one can put together a several hundred page ebook on a topic. But only those who truly understand the topic can narrow it down to a few pages or a single page checklist. People pay big bucks for shortcuts. They want mostly meat. They have little time and want to see ROI fast. So give it to them and make them pay for it.