Power of Niching Down

A couple of days ago, I had the inclination to check in on a Webris.org.

I learned a lot from the founder Ryan many years ago. And I liked seeing what offers they were running, content they’re creating, and how their design had changed. It had been years since I visited their site.

I typed in their domain and hit Enter.

The page loaded and I didn’t recognize anything. The colors were different, the robot mascot was gone, and the Webris looked corporate (but clean and crisp). And the site talked about marketing for lawyers.

I was confused.

But after a bit of skimming, I realized Ryan had gone all in on “marketing agency for lawyers.” Before this, Webris was a marketing agency for software, local businesses, and ecommerce. They were great at what they did. And Ryan is a process creating machine.

It began to click. He’d niched down to build an even better agency. By focusing on one niche, he had a simple checklist of inputs to drive outputs. His target customer was very similar. He didn’t need to spend a lot of resources learning a business and creating custom offers. He was leaning into the productized agency.

And the previous Webris brand, did not fit the mold of lawyers. Lawyers want trust and results. They don’t think of brand as light and fun. This is one of the best brand transformations that I’ve seen.