Goals Update: March 2024

Every month, I write an update on my progress towards reaching my 2024 goals.

The following are the results from March 2024.


Run or bike 250 days

I ran 6 days this month. My ankle injury flared up again. I did not run at all the last week of March due to my daughter being born.

275 pound clean

No progress.

Train boxing 100 times

No progress. I’m moving my boxing bag.


Write 50 articles on Funnel Nomics 

On hold.

Write 228 beats on WilCo Beat

On hold.

Launch Mockingbird

Slight progress on backend automations.


Read The Years of Lyndon Johnson series

Still on the first book.

Read 15 books (LBJ’s books are crazy long)

Listened to Working by Robert Caro. Fun to hear him talk about his research process. It’s also narrated by Robert (books narrated by the author are much better).

Write 100 posts on TravisDailey.com 

Wrote 18 posts. Missed last week with my daughter being born.


Welcome my third daughter to the world (Lucy)

She was born last week.

Record 12 videos for my kids (in their future)

No progress.

Write 36 emails to my kids

I wrote two emails to my kids this month.


Host 12 dinners with new friends

Hosted one dinner with friends.

Send 100 DM/emails to people whose work inspires me throughout the year

No progress.

Miscellaneous projects

Pitch a lecture idea to the local university three times

Re-pitching for fall semester.

Be a guest on 5 podcasts 

No progress.